Events for Memory Garden calendar
Garden Discovery Program - Summer
Friday, September 1, 2023 at 10:30am
Join us in the garden at the Memory Hub. Discover changes through the season, engage in horticultural activities, and learn what makes this public "memory garden" particularly accessible to people living with dementia and their families in this 3-part series (July 7, August 4, and September 1). Registration opens May 23.
Beatle's Singalong in Maude's Garden
Tuesday, September 5, 2023 at 10:30am
Enjoy sunshine, friends and tasty treats while singing along to Beatle'sfavorites in Maude's Garden! A free event for people with memory loss,friends and family, with song leader Carmen Ficarra.
What's on this Calendar?
Special events at the Memory Hub, tours, workshops and classes, and support groups, tailored for: