What's Growing in Maude's Garden

  • What’s Growing in Maude’s Garden - Spring 2023

    May 01, 2023

    Curious about all those plants in Maude's Garden? Here is a guide of the current highlights for you.

  • Support Maude’s Garden on Husky Giving Day, April 6th!

    April 05, 2023

    Today, April 6th, is Husky Giving Day, the University of Washington’s 24-hour online giving challenge. Join us to support Maude's Garden!

  • “What’s In Bloom” February 2023

    February 02, 2023

    This spring, Maude’s Garden team and volunteers will work to maintain and develop this beautiful place for Memory Hub visitors and program participants, who enjoy exploring and being together in Maude’s Garden. We welcomed three new Maude's Garden volunteers who will provide gardening help and ideas: Dawn Robinson of Sunrise Container Garden Design, Makenzie Patarino of UW, and Caitlin Gilson of Bastyr University. The Memory Hub also looks forward to hosting a second round of the Garden Discovery program, a collaboration between Seattle Parks and Recreation and the UW MBWC. We thank Family Resource Home Care for supporting their long-time support of this nature engagement program.

  • Making a fall table mosaic

    December 01, 2022

    Take a look at the fall table mosaic and leaf rubbings created by the participants in the fall Garden Discovery Program at the Memory Hub.

  • Dedication of the memory garden tree

    October 31, 2022

    A big group of "old timers" from the Momentia Out and About Walks gathered in Maude's Garden to dedicate a young tree planted in memory of their loved ones.

  • New Research: Exposure to green space may boost cognitive health

    September 04, 2022

    Here's a study we at Maude's Garden think is interesting! A nationwide study shows that exposure to green space may support cognitive health. The NIA-funded study findings support the need for further research into the use of green space exposure as a possible way to reduce the risks of cognitive decline and dementia in older adults.

  • What’s Growing in Maude’s Garden - July/August 2022

    August 19, 2022

    Curious about all those plants in the memory garden? Here's a guide for you!

  • A big thank you to memory garden volunteers!

    March 23, 2022

    Thank you to volunteers Debbie Wheeler, Laura Westbrook, and Kyle Armour for helping us get the first plants into the ground!

  • What’s Growing in Maude’s Garden - March/April 2022

    March 16, 2022

    Curious about all those plants in the memory garden? Here's a guide for you!

  • It’s groundbreaking day for Maude’s Garden at the Memory Hub!

    February 02, 2022

    Yesterday at the Memory Hub was ground breaking - literally! Construction of Maude's Garden, WA State's first memory garden, started in full. We are thrilled to be working with local sustainable landscaping company Stone Soup Gardens on this project.

  • A Year in Virtual Garden Discovery Walks

    January 27, 2022

    In 2021, the UW Memory and Brain Wellness Center and Seattle Parks and Recreation decided to continue the virtual version of the Garden Discovery Walk program, as a way to connect the memory loss community to nature and horticulture therapy during the pandemic. Peach Jack, horticultural therapist and MBWC intern, took the lead this year. She hosted and created the virtual tours of local gardens and the accompanying nature-inspired project designed for people to follow at home. This program continues to be possible because of generous, ongoing support from Family Resource Home Care.