News at the Memory Hub

Articles from July 2024


New Recommendations to Reduce Dementia Risk Worldwide; Untreated High Cholesterol and Vision Loss Linked to Raised Risk

July 30, 2024

The Commission is authored by 27 dementia experts, including the UW ADRC’s Eric B. Larson, MD, MPH, who is affiliate professor of medicine in the UW School of Medicine, who has now worked on all three Lancet reports that make recommendations for policy makers and individuals to help reduce dementia risk worldwide. Larson gives us context for the new recommendations and shares how UW research has influenced this report.

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Gail040 1995

My Experience Caring for My Wife Gail and What I Learned About Communication and Alzheimer’s.

July 22, 2024

I was the caregiver for my late wife Gail over the last five years of her life. I hope to share my experience with other caregivers and relate how changing my way of communicating helped us.

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